About the Alliance for Gender Justice in Migration

The Alliance for Gender Justice in Migration was launched in 2022. We are a network of people with lived experience, advocates, researchers, and service providers who are actively working to end discrimination against women and gender-diverse people with precarious immigration status.

We aim to build a coordinated response to systemic barriers and issues identified by members, conduct research and develop policy solutions, raise public awareness, and advocate for change to policies that create social, economic, legal and political inequities.

Applying a human rights approach and a feminist intersectional analysis, we strive to create an equitable space where the voices of women and gender-diverse people with lived experience are at the centre.

The Alliance is comprised of members from across Canada who make up a National Coordinating Committee and four Regional Coordinating Committees based in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. We are supported by a National Coordinator and four Regional Coordinators.

Our key issues

Alliance members have identified key policy areas impacting women and gender-diverse migrants:


To learn more or to get involved – contact us alliance@mwcbc.ca